Ultimate Pure Water NANO PURE Water Purification System
Case studies (2010 through 2013)
Even though the originating group which developed and patented the silverized carbon media (NANO PURE™) stated many benefits never before offered in water purification, the ultimate pure water (UPW) team chose to perform multiple case studies to prove or disprove the worth of the NANO PURE media when purifying residential and small business drinking water.
Each case study was different and designed to solve existing customer(s) water needs. The initial water test in each study was performed to determine the existing level of contaminants/pollutants from each customer(s) water BEFORE installing the UPW NANO PURE water purification system. After installation, 30 day, 90 day, 180 day, one year, etc. follow-up water tests were taken from the EXACT SAME location in each study so as to insure all variables in our studies were limited. Customer(s) were shown the test results and all facets of the water results were discussed in great detail to determine if the NANO PURE system was accomplishing the goal.
UPW chose a non-biased third-party analysis firm; Pace Analytical Services Inc. (www.pacelabs.com) to test the water for contaminants/pollutants. UPW used the EPA Secondary Contaminants for Safe Drinking Water Laboratory Reporting Format as the basis for testing well and municipal generated water. The tests included levels for heavy metals (aluminum, copper, iron, manganese and zinc)., (Sulfate, chloride, odor, bacteria, surfactants (oils& soaps) and TDSs (Total Dissolved Solids), the “total “ amount of both “good “minerals (which reverse osmosis removes) and “dangerous” contaminates/pollutants. UPW was given the “maximum” acceptable level for each test pollutant and used that number as its benchmark to see how effective the NANO PURE media performed.
NSF International Number 61 Certification
NSF (National Sanitation Foundation), www.nsf.org is an independent not-for-profit international organization that develops public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, health and environmental sciences.
At this time, the Nano Pure media is the Only carbon media to achieve the NSF International Number 61 Certification. This certification is the highest you can attain for water and means once the water has passed through the media, it is now potable (safe for drinking). NSF tested for ALL pollutants, metals and bacterias to make sure the water meets ALL international portable water standards.
Once again, the NANO PURE media is the ONLY carbon media to attain this NSF number 61 certification!!!
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